Author: Jens Schröter

Announcement: Special Issue “Beyond Crisis”

By Florian CordEditorial

In the summer of 2021, Coils of the Serpent will publish a special issue entitled “Beyond Crisis: Raymond Williams and the Present Conjuncture”, guest-edited by Victoria Allen and Harald Pittel.

Read the call for papers!

The special issue entitled “Societies of Control” will be released shortly, and the ones on “Im/Possibility” and “Crowd(ed) Futures” will follow in late summer and winter of this year, respectively. More very soon!

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Announcement: Special Issue “Im/Possibility”

By Florian CordEditorial

In early 2020, Coils of the Serpent will publish a special issue entitled “Im/Possibility: On the Production, Distribution, and Articulation of the Possible and the Impossible,” which will be guest-edited by Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich, Cord-Christian Casper, Emmanuel Tristan Kugland, and Marlon Lieber.

The issue intents to examine various facets, modes, and agents of the material and symbolic production, distribution, and articulation of im/possibility across various media. It seeks to analyze and critique the dominant forms of im/possibility from the perspectives of critical theory, psychoanalysis, philosophy, history, sociology, political science, literature, and cultural studies, and to debate the pressing questions of what material, discursive, psychosocial and affective constraints on subjectivity and agency exist today that help reproduce or contest a neoliberal and increasingly authoritarian “consensus,” or what Jacques Rancière has aptly called “the police distribution of the sensible.” We hope to bring together authors who draw on (post-)Marxist critical theory and/or the tradition of Birmingham Cultural Studies to analyze and critique the historical formation, material conditions, cultural representation, and political distribution or articulation of the im/possibility of radical social transformation, new forms of social struggle and solidarity, automation and digitalization, green capitalism, neoliberalism, economic nationalism, fascism, gender abolition, black liberation, communism, and all forms of emancipatory practice.

Read the full announcement!

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