Tag: announcement

Issue 5 Released

By Editorial

Issue 5 of Coils of the Serpent, entitled “Control Societies I: Media, Culture, Technology” and edited by Florian Cord and Simon Schleusener, is now online! This is the first volume of two special issues dedicated to Gilles Deleuze’s “Postscript on Control Societies”. We invite everyone to comment, share their thoughts, and participate in the debate!

Issue 5 (2020)

“Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy” will follow shortly!

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Announcement: Special Issue “Beyond Crisis”

By Florian CordEditorial

In the summer of 2021, Coils of the Serpent will publish a special issue entitled “Beyond Crisis: Raymond Williams and the Present Conjuncture”, guest-edited by Victoria Allen and Harald Pittel.

Read the call for papers!

The special issue entitled “Societies of Control” will be released shortly, and the ones on “Im/Possibility” and “Crowd(ed) Futures” will follow in late summer and winter of this year, respectively. More very soon!

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